Why become a Member?

Câr-Y-Môr is a unique community owned business where its members play an integral role. It’s simple, we wouldn’t be where we are today without them. By signing up to become a member, you are joining the already 500+ others who have equal ownership of the business and support what we are doing. You will receive bimonthly newsletters and exclusive members-only discounts and offers. Becoming a member starts from just £1, which means that we are as inclusive as possible. The only thing we do ask for, is that you support our aims and our venture.

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13 Jobs created

3 Hectare Farm in the Ramsey Sound

Increased Biodiversity

£26k operating costs on the boat alone

Zero Input Farming

Make a donation

How would you like to donate?

Put your money where your values are…

Why become an investor? 

Deciding to join us as an investor is similar to becoming a member; you will have equal ownership and support Câr-Y-Môr’s aims. However, if you are in a financial situation where you are able to support us further, then please look at our pioneer share offer (PSO). By supporting us through our PSO, you are helping us to become commercially viable.

Essential reading